
Telenet Marketing Call Centar

Telenet Marketing Centar direktno je povezan sa aktivnostima Call Centar. Ukoliko bi ste naručili neko istraživanje, radili bi ste sa Konsultantom za istraživanje tržišta. Ukoliko radite na nekom projektu i potrebni su vam precizni rezultati, Marketing Centar za te potrebe uradiće preciznu anketu, prikupiti podatke i uzorke, i statistički ih predstaviti. Ukoliko je potrebno Marketing Centar može aktivirati uslugu Telemarketing Call Centra. 

Višegodišnje iskustvo Telenet Marketing centra u kreiranju, rotiranju pitanja i odgovora, bez sugestivnih konotacija, imalo je za posledicu upravljanje nad nekoliko kompleksnih istraživanja. Za veoma kratko vreme, po striktno definisanim pravilima, vaše istraživanje biće uradjeno krajnje profesionalno i tačno. 

Prednosti istraživanja tržišta u odnosu na telemarketing istraživanja su pre svega u ceni. Marketing Centar svoje usluge istraživanja tržišta naplaćuje po intervjuu, dok usluge Telemarketinga Call centra se naplaćuju po satu. 

Predstavljamo Vam nekoliko servisa Telemarketinga:

Inbound Telemarketing

Bez obzira da li jer reč o prodaji kataloga, usluzi direktne pošte, DRTV, email kampanji, faks uslugama, štampi, radiju, tekst porukama, voicemail-u ili web sajtu, postignite bolje rezultate za svaki dolazni poziv korišćenjem cross-selling i upselling telemarketinga.

Outbound Telemarketing

Predstavite vaše mogućnosti kupcima i budite vodeći u prodaji korišćenjem AnswerNet sistema kojim možete upravljati B2C i B2B aplikacijama outbound telemarketinga.

Business to Business Telemarketing

Dozvolite vašem biznisu da mu se dogodi B2B. Računajte na nas i vaša inbound telemarketing i outbound telemarketing prodaja i sistem narudžbi pomoćiće vam u boljem i uspešnijem poslovanju. 

Business to Consumer Telemarketing

Mnogi korisnici vole da kupuju putem inbound i outbound telemarketinga. Telenet Call centar agenti dobro su obučeni i dobro znaju da identifikuju korisnika kada je spreman da poruči neki od proizvoda. Oni znaju kako da odgovore na primedbe i negodovanja korisnika stvarajući mogućnosti kombinacijom unakrsne prodaje i tehnike uvećane prodaje (cross-selling, upselling telemarketing).

Automatski Inbound/Outbound IVR Telemarketing

Treba da pošaljete ili primite veliki broj telemarketing poziva ili poruka? Potrebno vam je da se brzo i efikasno identifikuju korisnici, kojima će se dopasti vaš ovi proizvod? Želite da pitate u vezi inbound telemarketinga i outbound IVR telemarketing servisa. 

Telemarketing poboljšani Servis
Ukoliko želite da pružite svojim korisnicima poboljšani servis inbound i outbound tele-marketinga, korišćenjem ostalih AnswerNet telemarketing servisa, preporučujemo vam:
- Online zakazivanje sastanaka
- Narudžbenice i procesuiranje kreditnih kartica
- Isporuke, skladištenje i logistička podrška
- Help desk

Marketing Centar - Istraživanje tržišta, Vođenje marketing kampanji, Graficki Dizajn, Web Dizajn, Multimedialni Dizajn, Media buying, Video produkcija, Foto produkcija, Projektovanje i vodjenje kampanja.

Kontakt Centar - Front office, Back office, telemarketinga, upravljanje dolaznim i odlaznim pozivima, VoIP servis, Debt colection servis, Vodjenje politickih kampanja.

Darko Milošević
Tel: + 381 64 555 8581

Sektor za IT – ponuda internet servisa, web programiranje, re-inženjering poslovnog procesa, razvoj softvera, tehnicka podrška i servis.

Sektor za mreže - Projektovanje i izgradnja telefonskih mreža i komunikacionih veza, telekomunikacionih prenosnih sistema, bežičnih komunikacija, računarskih mreža, konsalting i razvoj sofisticirane telekomunikacione opreme. Projektovanje elektricne, gromobranske i protiv požarne instalacije, merenje, kontrola i izvodjenje radova. Projektovanje i instalacija video nadzora.

Srećko Milošević
Tel: +381 61 615 47 68

Proizvodnja, promocija i prodaja ETNO SUVENIRA – proizvoda od gline, keramike, porculana, drveta i tekstila. Prodajna mreža hotela Srbije, turističkih organizacija gradova, turističkih agencija, galerija i antikvarnica.

Jasmina Milošević
Tel: + 381 63 722 6026

Headsets in the Call Center

By Stefania Viscusi, TMCnet Assistant Editor
Before the headset, call center agents were left mostly with stiff necks, putting their hearing at risk, and stuck at their workstations. As contact centers improved and technological advancements like the computer and software for better managing customer contact made the job easier, headsets were introduced to provide agents with a way to safely, comfortably, and more efficiently do their job.
To understand the basics of a headset, its anatomy, and reasons for use, TMCnet spoke with Sennheiser Communications Associate Product Manager, Eric Palonen.
What is a Headset?
As Palonen explained, "A headset is a hands-free, head-worn device that utilizes a speaker and microphone to reproduce audio to and from one or more communicating parties."
Inarguably, one of the most important revolutions in call center efficiency has been the headset. Using the headset, call centers and offices both large and small are able to instantly recognize a rise in productivity levels, higher quality communications and a decrease in the ergonomic health risks of their work environment.

Key Components of a Headset
In order to provide these benefits to the user, the headset must contain certain key components. Here is a breakdown of those components according to Palonen:
Microphone - The microphone, for obvious reasons, is a necessary component to voice communications. Accurate microphones slash seconds off call times by transmitting the human voice with precision and efficiency. Further, the microphone boom represents equal importance to the microphone itself--one that will flex and resist breakage from constant adjustments, will withstand call center use and abuse and further the effectiveness of the agent as well as maximize the budget allotted for headset expenditures.
Speaker – A headsets’ speakers represent the other half of critical audio transmission--voice quality. Headset speakers, like their microphone counterparts, are tailored to the specific frequency range of speech. This ensures that only the most important audio (the human voice) is given priority in the frequency spectrum. Poorly designed speakers suffer breakage and sloppy audio that translates into repetition and lost time, whereas high quality speakers deliver results and reliable communication with every call. The speakers should also offer some sort of protection for the users hearing. The Sennheiser ActiveGard system protects the listener from loud acoustic spikes that would irreversibly damage the hearing of the headset user on other outdated “traditional” systems.
Quick Disconnect – Being able to adapt to the rapidly changing landscape of a call center requires a system that allows for modular connectivity within the employees and their hardware. A quick or “easy” disconnect streamlines the workflow of setup, integration and distribution of headsets across the broad (and sometimes varying) hardware structure of a call center. A quick disconnect should be both durable and have a mechanism for locking the headset to its anchoring cable to eliminate the possibility of losing a call due to a faulty ejection.
Cable – Call centers are tough environments. A tough cable will withstand abuse from the agent and help them work to their maximum efficiency by providing adequate cordage in their working environment. The junction of the headset and its cable should be reinforced and placed at a key point to resist potential off-balance load. Cables with a minimum amount of plasticizer should be utilized to encourage durability and stave off cable shortages occurring from cable wear. The cable clip (generally supplied) provides a crucial anchor point for minimum obtrusion from the cable. This also reduces the weight of the cable on the ear capsule and boosts efficiency by un-cluttering the work area.
Headband – Retaining the ergonomics of a headset via its headband is much more complicated than it would seem. The headband must be constructed with regard to balance, head shape and the optimum positions for talking and listening. The headband must also include a comfortable side support and the ability to adjust to a variety of sizes. Padding, though not necessary, can be included for additional support and comfort. Many headbands include options for converting the headset’s speaker and microphone combination into a behind-the-neck model or on-the-ear style.
The CC510
Why use a Headset?
Utilizing a well designed headset in the call center-- a location where communications are constant and continuous, is important for any operations that wish to boost effectiveness and maintain ergonomic integrity. An intelligent, comfortable headset design incorporates all the above elements to provide safety, increased call quality, and a boost in overall efficiency for a call center's operations.
Sennheiser Communications offers an array of headsets designed for use in the call center environment. For more information, please visit:
*ActiveGard is a registered trademark of Sennheiser Communications
*Kevlar is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company
*Teflon is a registered trademark of E.I. du Pont de Nemours and Company

Data Entry Services

Call Centers specializes in Call Center, Sales Lead Generation, B2B Lead Generation, Lead Qualification, Mortgage Leads , Financial Investment (Investor Leads) Lead Generation, Help Desk Services, Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Outsourced Sales Lead Generation for Appointment Setting, Market Research, Database Management and Marketing follow up calls.

Our focus has been to continually find new and better ways to help our clients "make profitable connections with their customers".

Allow us, at Call Centers, to cater to your call center requirements - Our facilities are equipped with latest call center technologies like CTI, Soft Phone, Predictive dialer software, ACD, IVR and Fax on Demand, Voice logging and Call Blending. It is now your one stop call center for your Inbound and Outbound Telemarketing, Customer support, Help Desk, Lead generation, Technical support. However simple or complex we have a wealth of experience in this area and can help your business gain that competitive edge.

Whether you need messaging or answering service, inbound call center services, outbound call center services, Telemarketing Mortgage Leads, Email support and online chat, we can help you make the most of every contact.

"The factors that matter most to our company are the accuracy of the information gathered and the strong intent of the client to pursue financing. leads have exceeded our expectations on both accounts. We are happy to be referenced. "
Jason Weiner
ClearView Mortgage, Inc.

"Contact Ratio, Apps and Closing% are all very satisfactory. Overall a very good ROI"
Michael Ferree
Lead Analytic Manager
LEI Financial
We have a very focused List of Service offerings primarily Specializing in Outbound and Inbound Telemarketing Solutions, including:

  * Mortgage Lead Generation
  * Lead Generation
  * Appointment Setting
  * Hot Transfers
  * Financial Leads
  * Investment Leads
  * Payment Collection
  * Back Office Operations
  * Customer Care
  * Secured Loan Leads


  * Data / List Cleaning
  * Technical Support
  * Web Enabled Services
  * Virtual Assistant
  * Data Processing
  * Market Surveys
  * Directory Assistance
  * Animation Services
  * Product Inquires
  * Order Taking

We also offer Telemarketing Lists specifically targeted to produce Qualified Mortgage Leads, Sales Leads, Debt Leads, Financial Leads, Business Leads, Consumer Leads, Investment Leads, Insurance Leads, Real Estate Leads and many other types of industry specific Sales Leads.

Asterisk® IP Platforms

Centriphone Millennium ® IP contact Center integrates multimedia message management: web call back, chat, voice, video, e-service and web collaboration in order to offer superior online customer service, gain customer satisfaction, increase revenues and the overall contact centers productivity.

Centriphone Millennium ® IP Contact Center unifies all communication channels under one unique platform:
. Inbound calls with interactive voice response
. Outbound calls (Preview and Predictive)
. Web media: Chat, VoIP, Video IP, and Co-browsing
. E-Mail
. SMS, ...

With Centriphone Millennium client can communicate with your company using multiple communication channels and the agents can manage all the interactions under one simple to use application and one unique queue.

CCentriphone Millennium is integrated with the open source Asterisk application. It uses SIP VoIP protocol offering a feature rich and complete solution to satisfy complex contact center requirements at a very competitive cost.

Asterisk® offers standard and advanced PBX functionalities. Asterisk platform operates on standard telecom networks or on VoIP systems. The Centriphone Millennium and Asterisk® solution allows you to successfully integrate your equipments with an IP telephony environment. These technologies include; chat, conference, email, videoconferencing, 3G…
The main advantages are that all the medias are managed by a unique queue, the full featured IVR functions and the predictive dialing engine.
IP technology Asterisk

VoIP (Voice over internet protocol) and Centriphone Millennium® IP Contact Center suite is a flexible, stable and reliable solution capable of managing high volumes of calls. Furthermore this technical evolution allows the ability to deploy virtual contact center that can be administered from a centralized location.

This architecture reduces operational expenses and facilitates the deployment of new centers without complex integration and installation processes. Centriphone Millennium® IP Contact Center suite with Asterisk allows the agents to connect from remote locations giving you the flexibility to treat your client 24/7. The agents, supervisors and administrators can access the interface directly from an IP network as they benefit from all the latest generation of contact center solutions. Based on defined priorities and skill sets, the calls will be distributed to the agents regardless of their location.
Online Services

Centriphone Millennium® IP Contact Center suite on Asterisk gives you the ability to interact with your clients directly on your website, establishing real time communication with your agents or by a self service application.

The web collaboration service provides real time assistance to the web surfers on your website in order to optimize their navigation and provide proper information at the right moment. Your agents will have the ability to view client information gathered form your website. This application can be used in a support/helpdesk environment, etc…
All the functions have been developed to provide superior results. 

Market Research

The Call Centerz Consultancy specializes in Market Research Surveying. It has extensive experience of implementing and managing quantitative and qualitative market research projects within various Industry and International sectors.

Call Centerz Market Research program provides a unique insight into attitudes, perceptions and experiences that influence people's beliefs and spending habits.Turn an ordinary Telemarketing project into stronger B2B sales and bigger profits with our market research services.

Call Centerz provides a cost-effective way for organisations to conduct quantitative research. Our many years experience of Telephone Contact experience provides our clients with prompt, accurate responses.

As Market Research Data Acquisition is just one of the many aspects of Call Centerz's Outbound Call Center Service, we ensure that all of our Market Research projects receive the close personal attention of a Senior Market Research Executive.

Our service is ideal for Financial Sectors like Stock Marrket, Real Estate etc, and other organisations that have the ability to develop questionnaires and analyse information and simply require the raw data.

At Call Centerz we combine Lead Generation and Telemarketing that guarantees your continued success. Use Outbound Telemarketing to test and refine your B2B sales promotions and get quick feedback on the effectiveness of your special offers, sales message and find out who’s interested.

Use Call Centerz's Business Market Research Services to Identify & Target new markets. Then employ a strategic Outbound Telemarketing Program to judge these prospect's interest in your company and its products.

Use our Business Market Research Services to:

"The factors that matter most to our company are the accuracy of the information gathered and the strong intent of the client to pursue financing. leads have exceeded our expectations on both accounts. We are happy to be referenced. "
Jason Weiner
ClearView Mortgage, Inc.

"Contact Ratio, Apps and Closing% are all very satisfactory. Overall a very good ROI"
Michael Ferree
Lead Analytic Manager
LEI Financial

  * Interview customers and prospects to research attitudes and obtain market feedback.
  * Verify concentration and industry profile.
  * Determine buying plans, patterns and timing.
  * Profile decision makers and influences.
  * Clean list to remove inactive or unresponsive names

We are flexible in the way that we work, for your Market Research, you might require a full service approach or you may require a resource for a particular aspect of your Market Research project - whichever we will be happy to tailor our service accordingly.

Send us your Market Research requirements/questions through our online Contact Form – Click here. We look forward to hearing about your market research survey project.

To find out more about what Call Centers can do for your business, contact us and we'll work out the details!

E-Mail Marketing

eMail Marketing is an excellent and cost effective marketing channel. eMail Marketing is ideal if you wish to achieve any of the following:

Increase site visitors Inform existing clients Build customer loyalty Communicate special offers quickly Measure the effectiveness of your marketing effort Our eMail Marketing service will create, set-up, execute and report back on the success of your direct marketing campaigns:

"The factors that matter most to our company are the accuracy of the information gathered and the strong intent of the client to pursue financing. leads have exceeded our expectations on both accounts. We are happy to be referenced. "
Jason Weiner
ClearView Mortgage, Inc.

"Contact Ratio, Apps and Closing% are all very satisfactory. Overall a very good ROI"
Michael Ferree
Lead Analytic Manager
LEI Financial

Creation of HTML content for the campaign Manage the broadcast of the mail out. Handle hard and soft bounce backs. Update database accordingly. Track and record click through responses to the campaign. Issue a full campaign report with recommendations.

We also offer Telemarketing Lists specifically targeted to produce Qualified Mortgage Leads, Sales Leads, Debt Leads, Financial Leads, Business Leads, Consumer Leads, Investment Leads, Insurance Leads, Real Estate Leads and many other types of industry specific Sales Leads.

To find out more about what Call Centers can do for your business, contact us and we'll work out the details!

Back Office Services

Call Centers can be considered as an extension of your Offshore Back Office for carrying out various kind of IT related activities any where in the world. Our trained Customer Care Representatives are capable of handling your back-end processing needs efficiently.

To find out more about what Call Centers can do for your Back Office, contact us and we'll work out the details!


"The factors that matter most to our company are the accuracy of the information gathered and the strong intent of the client to pursue financing. leads have exceeded our expectations on both accounts. We are happy to be referenced. "
Jason Weiner
ClearView Mortgage, Inc.

"Contact Ratio, Apps and Closing% are all very satisfactory. Overall a very good ROI"
Michael Ferree
Lead Analytic Manager
LEI Financial
Our Back Office Services include :

  * Data Processing and Digitization: Converting text & images to electronic form, creating text from other forms.

  * Finance and Accounting: Book-keeping, Billng & Receivables, Payables, Claims Processing.

  * Healthcare: Transcription, Claims & Collections, Verification, Scheduling

  * Insurance: Applications Processing, Verification, Claims Processing

  * Legal: Transcription, Deposition Typing, Data Processing, Research, Collections

  * Pre-publishing: Layout, Typing, Proofing, Printer-ready copies.

  * Credit Card Processing

  * Internet surfing and searching

Advertising Campagins

An advertising strategy is a blueprint for the actual advertising campaign, which delivers the message consistently yet uses different media effectively - print (newspapers, magazines, brochures) television, radio, outdoor, point-of-purchase, digital and online media.

Advertising that works wonders!
If you are looking for the best creatives that advertise your product and communicate the message to the right people at the right time and the right place, Call Centerz is your best choice.

Be it a teaser campaign, a bleed, a full-page or a simple single-line classified advertisement, Call Centerz offers you great ideas that works for you and also gives you a good run for your money.

Call Centerz services in Advertising Designs include:-

  * Print Ads (Newspaper, Magazines or Journals)
  * Posters
  * Television Commercials
  * Hoardings and Billboards
  * Alternative advertising ideas 

Reasons to outsource telemarketing

The main reason companies outsource telemarketing operations is that setting up a large-scale outbound call center is expensive and complicated. First you need to make a large capital investment in phone lines, furniture, floor space, computers, and software. In addition, you will need to hire and train TSRs and management staff.
Table of Contents

  * Telemarketing introduction
  * Reasons to outsource telemarketing
  * Preparing your telemarketing search
  * The offshore telemarketing debate
  * Evaluating telemarketing firms
  * Comparing telemarketing call centers
  * Telemarketing success
  * Telemarketing services pricing
  * Telemarketing service buying tips
  * Find a dealer

Other factors can contribute to the decision to outsource:

  * Significant growth - Rapid growth can quickly overwhelm in-house telemarketing staff, but providers can quickly add reps if you need to increase volume. Seasonal businesses benefit by adding reps only during busy times of the year.
  * New sales channels - Companies just getting into telemarketing can tap the expertise dedicated outbound call center firms can provide in creating lists, designing scripts, running tests, and managing campaigns.
  * Testing - Today's technology makes it easy to measure the success of new telemarketing programs. When testing new sales programs or products, large companies may find it easier and cheaper to use a call center than to retrain in-house employees. Small companies may also find it easier to do so than to build a call center and hire staff.
  * Specialty services - Companies that do business around the globe may want to switch to a two- or three-shift operation or operate in multiple languages. Using an outbound call center provider can smooth both of those transitions.

In addition, telemarketing service providers can provide cost savings to many companies. They already have the hardware, manpower, and expertise -- as well as the economies of scale-- that allow them to operate at a much lower cost than companies that set up their own in-house operations. 

Telemarketing services pricing

 It is difficult to pinpoint a specific market rate for hiring a telemarketing firm. Costs depend on a myriad of factors, including the type of project, skills and expertise required of TSRs, technologies needed, and even the time and day calls are generated. Using a telemarketing services comparison tool is a good way to get a sense for the different services telemarketing firms offer.

Many large telemarketing firms require a minimum work order. These minimum orders can range from 1,000 to 10,000 person hours per project. Most firms charge an hourly rate and bill by the actual time spent on calls. This rate is more commonly in the range of $25 to $60 per hour, but can be can be as low as $10 per hour for discount-priced offshore companies. As the number of hours increases, the cost per hour drops.
Table of Contents

  * Telemarketing introduction
  * Reasons to outsource telemarketing
  * Preparing your telemarketing search
  * The offshore telemarketing debate
  * Evaluating telemarketing firms
  * Comparing telemarketing call centers
  * Telemarketing success
  * Telemarketing services pricing
  * Telemarketing service buying tips
  * Find a dealer

See what other BuyerZone users have paid for telemarketing services.

The payroll structure of your telemarketer also affects the bill. For companies that do not offer commissions to TSRs, you can expect the base hourly charge to be relatively high. Companies that pay commission charge relatively less per hour. Depending on the cost of your product and the base salary of TSRs working on your project, commission charges may range from as little as 1% to as high as 10% of the revenue generated.

There are many other fees to consider beyond the basic charges. You should expect a setup fee of up to several thousand dollars to launch your campaign, which should cover configuring their software for you, basic script preparation, and initial training. Other costs, such as additional training, programming, and reporting fees, may be covered by your per minute or per hour charges - or may not. Make sure the provider spells out exactly what additional charges you will incur.

Contracts, metrics, and SLAs
A telemarketing contract needs to define more than just the contract term and pricing. It should specify exactly what standards and procedures the call center is expected to follow, how their performance will be measured, and what penalties can be applied if they fall short of the requirements.
Instant Vendor Comparison

Select the vendors that you would like to compare
  Outbound Telesales Solutions
Unique results driven solutions for
brand and growth focused companies.
  Outbound & Inbound Telemarketing
Led Gen-Appt Setting-Surveys-More
Customized B2B & B2C Teleservices

We recommend that you include non-disclosure clauses in your contract. NDAs make sure the provider doesn't take the lessons they learn with your business to one of your competitors. This is especially important if your choose a provider who specializes in your industry.

One typical approach is to define a minimum percentage of successful sales. If you have run similar campaigns in-house, you will have good benchmarks to start from; if not, you may have to work with the vendor to refine the goals after the program is launched.

Other contract options include exclusivity, translation services, secrecy/confidentiality, monitoring rights, and more. When creating contracts of this magnitude, almost anything is negotiable, but remember that you will pay more for special requests. 

Web Services

In today's web based economy, customers want immediate contact and satisfaction. Call Centers centers makes that possible by giving them choices - traditional telephone, web chat, web callback request, immediate email response or Virtual Office Assistant Service.

We at Call Centers provide the customized web enabled / based marketing services. Our customised web based Marketing Services will help you to generate revenue, increase customer satisfaction, and create a closed-loop information system by using our integrated services and technology. Leveraging customer information obtained from our customer care and technical support services enables our clients to offer products and services tailored to each client's unique needs.

Call Centers centers can implement customized web applications for you or tie directly into your existing applications.

Email Marketing is a unique medium that allows our client to engage their customers and prospects with regular communication, that is personalized, relevant and anticipated. Email marketing can help change prospects into long-term, profitable customers.

Web Pop automatically provides Call Centers centers' agents with a pop-up screen of your website, intranet or web script so it's right there whenever a customer calls.

Web Chat assist visitors engage in a live, two-way text chat directly from your site to a trained agent. Web Callback helps your website visitors request a callback from a Call Centers centers' agent by simply clicking and entering their name, telephone information, and best time to call.


"The factors that matter most to our company are the accuracy of the information gathered and the strong intent of the client to pursue financing. leads have exceeded our expectations on both accounts. We are happy to be referenced. "
Jason Weiner
ClearView Mortgage, Inc.

"Contact Ratio, Apps and Closing% are all very satisfactory. Overall a very good ROI"
Michael Ferree
Lead Analytic Manager
LEI Financial
Web Push allows our agent assist your web visitor in finding additional information through guided "browsing."

E-mail Response redirects your customers' e-mails to Call Centers centers' agents so we can respond precisely as you have directed, using formatted replies written by you or forwarding to specific persons or departments.

Email Management We provide customize service in Handling of incoming and outgoing email for business or other organizational needs To find out more about what Call Centers can do for your business, Contact Us and we'll work out the details!

To find out more about what Call Centers can do for your business, contact us and we'll work out the details!

Call Center Services

Call Centers specializes in Call Center, Sales Lead Generation, B2B Lead Generation, Lead Qualification, Mortgage Leads , Financial Investment (Investor Leads) Lead Generation, Help Desk Services, Customer Satisfaction Surveys, Outsourced Sales Lead Generation for Appointment Setting, Market Research, Database Management and Marketing follow up calls.

Our focus has been to continually find new and better ways to help our clients "make profitable connections with their customers".

Allow us, at Call Centers, to cater to your call center requirements - Our facilities are equipped with latest call center technologies like CTI, Soft Phone, Predictive dialer software, ACD, IVR and Fax on Demand, Voice logging and Call Blending. It is now your one stop call center for your Inbound and Outbound Telemarketing, Customer support, Help Desk, Lead generation, Technical support. However simple or complex we have a wealth of experience in this area and can help your business gain that competitive edge.

Whether you need messaging or answering service, inbound call center services, outbound call center services, Telemarketing Mortgage Leads, Email support and online chat, we can help you make the most of every contact.

We have a very focused List of Service offerings primarily Specializing in Outbound and Inbound Telemarketing Solutions, including:

"The factors that matter most to our company are the accuracy of the information gathered and the strong intent of the client to pursue financing. leads have exceeded our expectations on both accounts. We are happy to be referenced. "
Jason Weiner
ClearView Mortgage, Inc.

"Contact Ratio, Apps and Closing% are all very satisfactory. Overall a very good ROI"
Michael Ferree
Lead Analytic Manager
LEI Financial

  * Mortgage Lead Generation
  * Lead Generation
  * Appointment Setting
  * Hot Transfers
  * Financial Leads
  * Investment Leads
  * Payment Collection
  * Back Office Operations
  * Customer Care
  * Secured Loan Leads


  * Data / List Cleaning
  * Technical Support
  * Web Enabled Services
  * Virtual Assistant
  * Data Processing
  * Market Surveys
  * Directory Assistance
  * Animation Services
  * Product Inquires
  * Order Taking

We also offer Telemarketing Lists specifically targeted to produce Qualified Mortgage Leads, Sales Leads, Debt Leads, Financial Leads, Business Leads, Consumer Leads, Investment Leads, Insurance Leads, Real Estate Leads and many other types of industry specific Sales Leads.

To find out more about what Call Centers can do for your business, contact us and we'll work out the details! 

Easy IVR

IVR and Voice Broadcasting
Ivr outsourcing EasyIVR is the voice broadcasting and interactive voice response (IVR) service division of Database Systems Corp. (DSC). Since 1978, DSC has been providing information products and services for the telecommunications industry including call center software and services.

  IVR Hosting Service
  DSC provides complete IVR hosting and IVR outsourcing at our secure data center. Using our award winning IVR software, we can provide your organization with a highly customized and affordable phone service. Because our experienced staff has developed hundreds of unique applications, there is virtually no answering service application that we cannot perform.
  Voice Broadcasting Service
  Voice broadcasting is becoming one of the most efficient and economical means of communications today. Our voice broadcast service calls numbers from a computer managed list and plays a pre-recorded message to the call recipient or answering machine. Our call center can place one call or millions of calls. We offer the most comprehensive and flexible programs in the market today including computer initiated dialing using our XML push technology. Large bulk dialing can be performed using our mass calling service. 

Contact DSC today for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our voice broadcasting and IVR services.
Custom IVR and Voice Broadcasting Systems
ivr system
IVR Systems
Database Systems Corp. provides the PACER digital phone system which includes our award winning IVR software. This system employs industry standard Intel / Dialogic components and can perform simultaneous inbound call answering and outbound voice broadcasting calling campaigns. Starting with a single T1 board, this system starts with 24 lines and can grow to thousands of lines using our networked systems approach.

DSC also provides an economical and expandable analog phone system that can perform both IVR and voice broadcasting. Starting with a minimum of 4 lines, our voice broadcast and IVR system can be totally customized by our professional staff or we can provide you with our comprehensive IVR software development kit. Your interactive voice response applications can be easily ported to our PACER digital phone system when your call volume requires a larger system.

Complete Voice Message Broadcast Features
IVR hosting
IVR Management Reports

  * Broadcast messages to "live" individuals
  * Leave different messages on answering machines
  * Voice broadcast with Do Not Call checks
  * Hearing impaired TDD / TTY phone device support
  * Comprehensive IVR Management Reporting
  * Automated computer generated phone calls
  * Single call broadcast with XML Push
  * Customized touch phone responses
  * ACD systems (auto attendant) features
  * Database access for telephone services
  * Text To speech and data conversion
  * Email notification of call results
  * Remote database access with XML Pull
  * Call transfer to live agents with intelligent call routing
  * Remote call transfer through dial out
  * Multiple IVR hosting centers
  * Timeout features and call control options
  * Touch phone response control for both parties
  * Bulk message blast with low flat rates
  * Complete online reporting and call management
  * Automatic opt out feature through call identification
  * Professional voice over talent for on hold message voice overs

Register Online For Voice Broadcasting Service
voice broadcast registration
Online Registration
DSC now provides an online signup for non-profit and commercial organizations wishing to use our voice broadcasting services. Use this form to obtain a quotation and pricing information about our services with no obligation until you fax or mail your signed agreement.

For non-profit organizations, our setup fees are waived and the basic monthly fees are reduced if you use this convenient method of registration.

To register online, click on the the online registration image or button on the right.

DSC has prepared an online demonstration of our voice broadcasting outsourcing service. To view this demo, please visit our Voice Broadcast demonstration.

Call Reassurance Program (CARE)
call reassuranceOne of the more important applications that we provide is our Call Reassurance (CARE!) program. Our CARE! phone system can automatically call households checking on residents to ensure they are OK. Many communities refer to this service as an RUOK or Telephone Reassurance program. To view a directory of telephone reassurance providers, please visit our Telephone Reassurance web site.

Our telephone reassurance program is intelligent because it can be programmed to call a resident any number of times and any specified time of day. If there is no answer to this call or if the individual does not press the appropriate phone key acknowledging they are OK, our program will automatically call one or more family members or a monitoring center letting them know there is a potential problem.
What We Provide
voice message broadcast system

  * Interactive Voice Response Systems (IVRS)
  * IVR Outsourcing / 800 Toll Free Phone Services
  * Bulk Calling Campaigns for Millions of calls
  * XML Push Technology and Phone Messages
  * Voice Broadcasting Dialing Projects
  * Voice Mail Broadcasting Campaigns
  * Customer Business Phone Service
  * Outbound Telemarketing Services
  * IVR Application Software Toolkit
  * Campaign Development and Design
  * Online Voice Broadcast Administration
  * Toll Free Number Service Implementation
  * Voice Broadcast Hosting Services
  * Custom Voice Mail Broadcasting Reports
  * Call Center Outsourcing / Telephone Services
  * Text To Speech Software Conversion
  * Complete Voice Mail Services
  * "Press Through" Response To Your Agents
  * Message On Hold Messages with Voice Overs
  * . Database Voice Message Software Integration
  * Quality Transcription Services
  * IVR Maintenance Solution
  * Professional Voice Recordings for Phone Services

Call Center Services

  * Bulk voice blast / message blast service
  * Invoice Payment
  * IVR Management Reports
  * Bulk Calls and Lead Generation
  * Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  * Political Advertising
  * Inbound Telemarketing Services
  * Appointment Reminders
  * Voice Message Telephone Services
  * Outbound Call Center Outsourcing
  * Product Ordering and Fulfillment
  * Interactive Voice Response Service
  * Hearing impaired TDD / TTY devices
  * Inventory Services
  * Flexible Voice Mail Service
  * 800 Calling Card Services


  * Voice Mail Software
  * Open IVR Solutions
  * Employee Testing/Studies
  * Customer Surveys & Loyalty Programs
  * Telephone Answering Services
  * Account Status Telephone Services
  * Locator Services
  * Shipment Tracking
  * Payroll and Business Phone Service
  * Call Reminders
  * 800 Toll Free Service
  * Outbound Telemarketing Services
  * Claims Reporting by Telephone Service
  * Emergency Notification
  * Business Voice Mail Services
  * Voice Messaging Service

Contact Database Systems Corp. Today
Contact Database today for a FREE analysis and quote and to learn more about our call center services.

EasyIVR is a leading provider of interactive voice response systems (IVRS) plus voice broadcasting services. These toll free business phone services are provided at our multiple call center locations.

To obtain additional information about our call center products and services including our predictive dialer systems, CRM software and computer telephony integration CTI solutions, visit our Call Center Solutions page. 

About QSS

Quality System Solutions was founded in 1991 as an IT services company. In 1996 development was started on TMS for a company who needed software for in-house telemarketing. Since then it has been continuously developed in direct response to customer requests and is now a uniquely focused telemarketing system (as opposed to a general crm system). This is a substantial software system that is very configurable and easy to use.

After we demo TMS the response is always the same "this software does exactly what we need" - that's because it was designed for telemarketing! TMS is well received in all parts of the world so whereever you are just contact us and we can help you achieve your objectives. We offer 2 database systems: the iTMS browser based hosted system and the Windows based TMS. We also offer a hosted telephone system for use with the hosted iTMS. With developers both in the UK and India we are constantly upgrading and improving our systems. You can call us on +44 (0)1249 700230 as a standard geographic number, we do not use any premium rate numbers, including the 0870/0845 codes.

We are also the publishers of RWreports which is a variation of the TMS report writer made for the Goldmine database. More details are at

We are located at the prestigious Hartham Park in Corsham, Wiltshire. Hartham Park is within 8 miles of the M4 junction 17 (Chippenham turn-off).

Telemarketing news & updates

Built-in call recording for no extra cost The TMS telemarketing system records only those calls you want recorded and links the recording directly to the database record.
Discover the 10 step process for profitable appointments Click here to download the 10 step process for successful appointments and increasing your sales!
Barclaycard fined £50,000 for dialer Barclaycard has been fined £50,000 for silent calls created by a predictive dialer. To avoid a fine such as this use a progressive dialer such as in the TMS system....
Canada/USA: Contact Center Compliance to launch new Canadian ... - Call Centre Clinic Canada/USA: Contact Center Compliance to launch new Canadian Do Not Call list

Campaign Management and Creative Development

As a leading provider of integrated direct marketing services, Protocol's client relationships are built on a simple principle: continually guide our clients by providing analytical insight, campaign management services, and creative solutions that will help their businesses grow and improve ROI.

From our Integrated Account Services Team, who provide best-in-class direct marketing campaign management, to our Creative Directors, who provide direct mail strategy and direct mail design, to our E-marketing Industry Experts, who provide creative e-marketing solutions, we specialize in the development of integrated programs that work hard and deliver results.

Beyond traditional direct marketing agency services, we leverage our industry-leading resources and expertise to deliver fully realized and tightly orchestrated campaigns that provide a consistent customer experience and brand continuity at every touch point.
Outstanding talent backed by unmatched resources

Our team of proven, professional direct marketing veterans comprises leaders in both strategic and creative campaign development and those who execute our clients' integrated campaigns seamlessly. They know how to listen to your business needs, look at your data, and develop and deliver innovative campaigns that have a direct, positive impact on your bottom line.

Best of all, our depth of service offerings makes campaign management, and results tracking a fully integrated solution for our clients. In addition to strategic development, campaign management, and creative services, Protocol offers data analysis, business-to-business lead generation, fulfillment, inbound and outbound telemarketing, e-marketing, data management, list services, and production capabilities.

Strategic solutions, streamlined campaign management, and increased ROI: that's the difference that truly professional direct marketing services can make for your business.
An integrated source that improves results across the board

Whether you need direct mail designed to pop, direct mail strategy that targets more effectively, or simplified direct marketing campaign management, we provide proven, effective solutions that improve your direct marketing ROI.

To see how we helped iRobot, a leading manufacturer of floor-cleaning robots, create awareness and generate demand for its new swimming pool cleaning robot, click here to view a case study.

Database Marketing, Digital Printing, Fulfillment & Mailing Services

At Protocol, we leverage data as the key driver of all our direct marketing solution offerings. Our unique expertise and capabilities in data analytics and database marketing programs, coupled with our extensive direct mail and e-marketing services provide our clients with integrated direct marketing programs that increase ROI.

Unlike other companies that can only provide limited direct mail services, Protocol offers a complete suite of data and production services, including data analytics, database marketing, data processing, printing, letter shop, and mailing services.

Our integrated client support structure ensures industry-leading service and quality at every step of the process, from the initial consultation to the building of your database to database-driven campaign execution across all channels to the review and implementation of campaign results.
A proven partner with advanced database marketing capabilities

Protocol's PrecisionStudio database solution offering, powered by Alterian, is the platform we use to build comprehensive databases that can serve as the foundation for all your direct marketing and e-marketing campaigns. This platform allows us to draw data from multiple sources to help model ideal prospects to help you target the right customers with the right messages at exactly the right time.

Benefits of the PrecisionStudio database include:

  * Speed and flexibility to develop ad hoc, "train-of-thought" analysis of anything against anything
  * Dramatic reductions in query and analysis times, which greatly increase productivity, lower running costs, and increase staff motivation
  * Low setup cost and risk, due to ease of implementation and integration with existing business processes and systems
  * Easy to adapt, or extend, to match evolving business requirements

PrecisionStudio offers the following capabilities:

  * Data integration technology that can import and export in a variety of formats.
  * Rapid loading of data processes that can be automated and can include data engineering to build derived or recoded data elements
  * Interactive analytical reporting tools that allow you to use the traditional world of "rows and columns" reporting
  * Expandable and customizable reporting that can instantly add new metrics, dimensions, and formats
  * Metadata management layers to allow reports to be easily managed and reused across multiple databases
  * Report workspaces to provide a flexible and secure method of partitioning sets of reports, dimensions, measures, and engine data for specific users, groups, and databases
  * Component-based report development functionality with visual layout capabilities to allow reports to be saved and reused, making it easy to deploy multiple reports with consistent layouts and formats rapidly in a visual development environment
  * Sophisticated charting and graphing to provide a range of options for visualizing data
  * Flexible reporting output options
  * Report security controls to manage the deployment of reports to selected users
  * Business reporting functionality leveraging the software platform from Actuate, a global leader in enterprise reporting applications
  * Increased productivity utilizing list selection and fulfillment, customer segmentation, customer product profiling, profitability analysis, retention analysis, response analysis, fraud analysis, data auditing, data preparation and scoring, management reporting, and exploratory analysis

In addition, because we handle the entire direct mail production process, including data processing, printing, letter shop, and mailing services, we can help you implement a complete, end-to-end database marketing program quickly and seamlessly.

From scrubbing your list to designing and producing printed materials to mailing the packages, our proven data processing capabilities, integrated resources, and strategic approach take the guesswork out of direct marketing.
Outstanding results begin with outstanding expertise

Successful direct marketing campaigns depend not only on targeting the right prospects and presenting them with the right offer to compel them to act, but also on creating a positive impression with high-quality printing, accurate fulfillment, and timely mailing services that reflect well on your business.

At Protocol, we excel at all phases of the direct marketing process, and our results speak for themselves. Dozens of blue-chip clients count on Protocol for effective solutions to their database marketing and direct mail services needs—and you can too.

Data Analytics and Campaign Analysis

When you need to understand your market and target your customers more effectively, there is no substitute for accurate, detailed data about your customers' attributes and behavior — and there's only one way to gather that information: extensive research, data analytics, and campaign analysis.

As a leader in direct marketing research and campaign analysis for more than 30 years, Protocol delivers unparalleled analytics capabilities to clients in every sector of the business spectrum. Our methods produce simple solutions to even the most complex challenges.

Through our extensive experience, we have encountered a wide range of marketing challenges, some of which are listed at the bottom of the page, and we have invariably produced the ideal solution for each scenario. This has endowed Protocol with a deep base of knowledge about research and analytics techniques and applications.
Advanced strategic insights and campaign analysis that put you in touch with your customers.

We know that even with the most sophisticated research tools, data is meaningless unless you first know your customers. So to help our clients better understand the markets they're trying to reach, we combine our experience with precise customer insights and campaign analysis to polish the data we collect into actionable market knowledge and applicable recommendations.

Protocol can help you build an extensive database of customer data and provide you with the analytical insights to maximize your ability to convert that data into smart marketing decisions. Then we perform detailed campaign analysis to help you learn about what works with your target market, so you can refine your efforts and build upon success.

We start our analytical process by first identifying what your specific goals and objectives are. Then we enhance the initial data set by gathering all the client data attributes necessary, applying metadata such as demographics and geographics, and then appending data from sources such as credit bureaus. Once the data is prepared, the analytics process is about providing actionable business insights. We do that by developing and quantifying predictive and regression models, through cluster analysis and more, using tools such as SAS/SPSS, Alterian, Oracle, etc. Based on the results of the applications, metrics are defined to optimize ROI, LTV, and other yield management measurements. Marketing programs can then be developed based on these metrics, which can be self-rejuvenating based on the results of campaigns applied against them.

Our analytics professionals can build you a customer life-cycle road map that guides you to predictable returns on your marketing investment through business insights, predictive modeling, performance measurement, and strategy and risk management. Each brand-specific lifecycle model will identify high-value customers, optimize sequencing for up-sell/cross-sell, and anticipate customer churn.

The deployment of predictive analytics will:

  * Analyze customers and shift resources to the highest lifetime value opportunities
  * Identify key marketing drivers and build test-and-learn methodologies to increase yields
  * Develop and integrate up-sell strategies into customer life-cycle management programs
  * Reduce customer defections by anticipating and eliminating churn drivers
  * Enable timely and effective decision making with dashboard and alert reporting

Protocol offers advanced research and analytics services

We specialize in research solutions to enhance your data analytics and provide insight on psychographics, behavior, perceptions, and trends, including:

  * Customer Satisfaction Surveys
  * Focus Groups
  * Online Research
  * Customized Product/Service Market Research
  * New Product Development Surveys and Analysis

Business-to-Business Marketing Done Right

 In today's bottom-line-driven business-to-business marketing environment, it's imperative that you meet sales requirements and deliver measurable results quickly and cost-effectively. When success is measured in sales totals and net profits, there is no room for inefficiencies.

Protocol has been a leader in business-to-business marketing for more than 15 years. Our proven, exclusive tactics and techniques have helped countless clients generate actionable sales leads that make it simple for salespeople to close more deals that drive increased revenues — and we can help grow your business too.
Cost-effective lead generation for business-to-business marketing

With cost sensitivities on the rise, business-to-business marketers must decide how to invest their marketing dollars to maximize results and drive sales. The challenge is to deliver enough qualified leads to the sales team to reach corporate revenue targets while finding ways to lower the overall cost of sales in order to prove the value of your marketing expenditures.

Protocol's business-to-business marketing solutions include strategically planned and executed marketing programs that deliver qualified leads for your sales team and maximize ROI on your marketing budget.

When you partner with Protocol for business-to-business marketing services, you can expect:

  * Targeted, performance-driven business-to-business direct marketing programs that deliver higher-quality leads to your sales force sooner and at a lower cost per sale
  * Lead cultivation programs that bridge the gap between marketing and sales and provide better one-to-one relationships with your prospects that help turn them into customers — and ensure they remain loyal
  * Intelligence on new trends and opportunities for your products and services
  * Innovative lead qualification scoring methods that increase the conversion of leads to opportunities
  * The development of a proprietary database asset that will deliver sales for years to come

Put our proven business-to-business expertise to work for your company and watch your sales grow

Protocol's business-to-business marketing solutions enable our clients to identify and create demand more efficiently and effectively through database integration and development, B2B lead generation, response management, relationship marketing, and consultative inside sales. We deliver industry-leading results that support all your key sales and marketing goals.

However, we know that ultimately, business-to-business marketing is all about one thing: relationships. And we understand how to help your company build solid sales relationships for the long term. That's the Protocol business-to-business marketing difference.

Contact Center and Telemarketing Services

Also see:

  * Case Study: Retailer Holiday Season Support
  * Energy Services
  * Product Recall

Protocol specializes in contact center services that provide telemarketing and customer care solutions to a myriad of business-to-consumer and business-to-business firms.

Whether you need a salesperson to close deals or specialized technical support services, Protocol's contact center services can help. The performance of our contact center representatives is what sets us apart from the rest. We hire top-notch agents, train them to be experts in your business, and motivate them to succeed. Our stringent hiring practices and extensive training programs ensure the customer care representative speaking for your company is a professional who will facilitate your customers' every step. And, we use dedicated 800 numbers and sophisticated skills-based routing to maximize your results.
Our contact center services

  * Customer care
  * Inbound telemarketing
  * Outbound telemarketing
  * Outbound voice broadcasting
  * Direct response
  * Product recall
  * Collections
  * Lead generation
  * Market research
  * Help desk
  * Technical support
  * Website support
  * E-mail management
  * Click-to-call or chat
  * IVR
  * Virtual agent
  * Emergency and disaster communications support

Contact center resources and capabilities

  * 2,347 web-enabled seats
  * 3,400+ employees
  * 8 locations
  * 60 million inbound calls per year
  * 65 million outbound calls per year
  * More than 22 million inbound e-mails per year

Our process

With one of the longest-tenured call center management teams in the industry, our people understand the critical role contact centers play in our clients' business. They know that their job is to satisfy your customers, so it's essential that they get it right.

Achieving the results you want begins with a genuine understanding of your business objectives. That's where our Client Services Managers excel. From highly customized implementation plans that integrate seamlessly with your business to rigorous quality assurance and ongoing program analysis, your Client Services Managers command the full power of Protocol's experience to orchestrate a fluid and responsive contact center program designed to meet your objectives.
Our technology

Our IT infrastructure employs both centralized and local site platforms for optimum continuity and performance. Our inbound telemarketing, outbound telemarketing, and e-contact platforms are top of the line, and they're both highly scalable and customizable for your business. We use leading CRM and switch technology, which connect to both PSTN access and our own internal private voice network.

We seamlessly and cost-effectively route call traffic to the most appropriate call center and agent for your business. All our workstations are Internet-enabled and capable of VoIP, IVR, and Virtual Agent applications.
Our reliability

All our contact center sites are supported by uninterruptible power source (UPS) generators and linked via VoIP, so if one site goes down, calls are automatically rerouted. We maintain PSTN at all sites and the data center, so calls can be rerouted over IP as well. Key databases are replicated at our data center in Chicago and are always available over a self-healing SONET ring from Qwest. Our backup data center in Sarasota derives its Internet access from a different ISP (Sprint) to provide reliable redundancy.
Our advantage

Contact center services are often the public face of your company when interacting with your customers — so there's no room for mistakes. We've set the bar for performance within the industry. Protocol provides best-in-class contact center, customer care, inbound telemarketing, outbound telemarketing, and voicemail broadcasting solutions that build stronger and more profitable customer relationships for your business.

ePacific Global Contact Center

To add value to our clients' business by providing cost-effective, premium quality Customer Management services and be the preferred vendor for off shored, outsourced BPO services.
• Teamwork
• Flexibility
• Transparency
• Ownership, accountability and result orientation
• Integrity and honesty
• Fostering innovation/change 

Business Inquiries
Outbound Inquiries
Support Service Inquiries  


ePacific Global has evolved as one of the leading offshore contact centers in the Philippines providing various inbound and outbound services to its numerous clients in the US, Australia and UK. With a highly skilled and experienced workforce, ePacific Global delivers consistent quality service built on strong client partnership and employee relationships.
Since the beginning in 2000, ePacific Global have expanded operations significantly to accommodate various contact center services that are customized to each of our client's requirements that boost in improving sales, collections, and customer retention while reducing the cost of delivery.
ePacific Global signs its first major customers in the beginning of 2000 for a phone card company in the US and eventually diversified in 2001 onwards in such industries as timeshare, computer supplies, website development, cellular phone and mortgage financing services in the US and UK market.
With a total capacity of 880-seat contact center facilities spread across two buildings and a strong workforce of 1300 employees, ePacific Global is geared to double its client database in 2006. The construction of another 350-seat will commence by 1 st quarter of 2006.
With years to come, ePacific Global will be in a continuous phase of growing each day by people and clients as we are all set to take the lead in the growing market globally.

Delivery-based Value Proposition
In this dynamic and high growth off-shore service delivery space of Call Centers and services, where most of the initial process delivery opportunities are moving towards commoditization, ePacific Global have invested significantly in creating a unique solution-based value proposition.
This solution-based value offering is applicable to all our service offerings and customers and is further complemented by our global near-Shore /off-shore service delivery capability. This enables our customers to avail of complete portfolio of service delivery options including services that are best delivered by a near-shore location, multilingual as well as Business Continuity service requirements.
BPO value proposition
click to enlarge
The ePacific Global Value Proposition model focuses on four main aspects of service delivery which represents a balanced combination of :
1. Business
2. Technology
3. Process requirements to enable significant value for customers.
4. Deliverables 

As a pioneer leader, ePacific Global serves a broad range of industries with an even broader range of programs. Today, companies are rapidly adopting business process outsourcing (BPO) as a viable means to reduce operating costs, focus on core competencies, and move from a fixed to a variable cost model. The practice of outsourcing certain repetitive, non-core processes to specialists who have economies-of-scale advantages has been around for many years. It is only recently that companies have been able to take full advantage of overseas labor markets to achieve dramatic cost savings - in some cases by up to 50%.
Our offerings are structured along domain expertise based industry verticals and specialized horizontal service offerings. 


ePacific Global has the technology equipment and software for its offshore Call Center and Back Office operations. Sourced from world-class vendors like Cisco, Avaya, Lucent and Dell , this infrastructure has been designed to deliver maximum uptime with a focus on creating a suitable work environment for call center & BPO service delivery. Our infrastructure incorporates high-speed, redundant, reliable voice and data networks to suit call center requirement, best-in-class technologies and support from a highly skilled technology support team experienced in call center.
Our infrastructure is capable of handling multi-channel mail, chat, and voice traffic (inbound and outbound). ePacific Global has diversely routed International Private Leased Circuits (IPLCs). Capable of hauling megabits of simultaneous data and voice traffic, these circuits have been routed through the Atlantic and Pacific routes.
Our IT and telecom infrastructure is fully redundant and easy-to-upgrade. This ensures that services are consistently available for diverse operations and can be scaled as per the customer's requirements within expected timelines. 

As an offshore contact center, ePacific’s strength lies mainly on its pool of highly skilled professionals that serves as the heart and soul of the company. With their knowledge and experience, the company’s outbound telemarketing and call center inbound services experts in the Philippines have so far gained the approval of, among others, a leading travel company, a popular phone card company and the number one provider of mobile services in the United States.

Hiring for a number of positions, mostly for customer service representatives, we offer a diverse workplace that provides opportunities committed to your professional and career needs. At ePacific Global, we give importance to the continued growth and development of our employees with no heed to backgrounds and ages.

We will provide you world-class training programs that will expose you to various industries and processes that will lead you to reach your career aspirations. With us, you can expect an open environment that encourages and supports excellence at work. In addition to this, we offer best-in-class facilities, which make ePacific Global an ideal place to grow and to advance your career.
We strongly recognize that our people are our best asset. As we continue to grow, we are always on the look for qualified individuals who will fit our job description and can cater to our clients’ best interests through excellent customer service.
As we continue to grow, we are always looking for good people. For a Fast Track Career, send us your resume now.
Educational Requirements :
Sales-oriented individuals are invited to apply for a Call Center Agent position. Because of our growing number of clients, our recruitment efforts for this position are continuous.

Telemarketing Consultant Services

Inbound Telemarketing
Inbound telemarketing services TC provides include U.S. based telemarketing and international centers. TC provides services for projects less than 100 calls per day to 10k+ calls per day.

Outbound Telemarketing
Our outbound telemarketing division specializes telemarketing lead generation, telemarketing sales, telemarketing appointment setting and marketing research programs. Our company provides hourly and limited pay for performance projects.
Telemarketing Consulting Services
TC provides on site performance analysis, productivity audits, scripting analysis, agent/management specialized training and much more!

Telemarketing Technologies
Our web-enabled call centers offer full digital recording services at no additional cost to you. Automated reporting includes real time statistics and positive response rate summary. TCs' telemarketing company offers daily customized reporting capable of data output in any format.

List Marketing Services
TC list marketing consultants provide complete telemarketing list and direct mailing list services. Our marketing lists can target by the city, state, zip code, income, home-ownership, credit card, job type etc.

Web Site Optimization Services
You have a web site, now you need prospects to find it! The answer is web site optimization including search engine registration, SEO and pay-per-click management services

Corporate Identity Services
Our marketing consultants offer identity concept consultation and creation including collateral design, business planning and financial planning. Contact us today and in no time at all you will have a corporate image, logo and collateral.

Custom Database Services
Our consultants offer custom design by certified engineers and programmers. We also offer quotes on web database integration and custom shopping cart design.

Telemarketing Consultant offers full NCOA (National Change Of Address) and merge-purge services to maximize your mailings effectiveness. Our lists are updated monthly, not yearly like other agencies. You save big dollars by avoiding disconnected numbers and returned mail, while maximizing your ROI.

Contact a TC Telemarketing Consultant today at 330-825-2407

"Call centar" počeo sa radom

"Železnice Srbije" 16. juna u železničkoj stanici Beograd pustile su u rad "Call centar", čime je putnicima omogućeno znatno bolje i brže informisanja od dosadašnjeg. Na ovaj način srpske železnice nastavljaju da unapredjuju svoju ponudu u putničkom saobraćaju.

"Call centar" omogućava optimalno primanje poziva i pružanje informacija korisnicima usluga srpskih železnica. "Call centar" će u početku služiti za davanje informacija uz pomoć govornih poruka i usmenih informacija telefonskih operatera.

Broj "call centra", koji će biti dostupan 24 sata neprekidno je:

  0 1 1 – 3 6 0 – 2 8 – 9 9

Tehnologija sistema zasniva se na paralelnom radu pet operatera, uz interaktivne odgovore putem govornih poruka. Rad operatera će biti pod nadzorom, a razgovor sa klijentima će se snimati. Pristup operaterima je omogućen izjamljivanjem Telekomovih resursa, tako da čak 30 korisnika mogu istovremeno da pristupe sistemu.

Pozivanjem "Call centra" putnici mogu da dobiju informacije o saobraćaju vozova i redu vožnje na medjunarodnim i domaćim relacijama (polazak, dolazak, kašnjenje ili otkazivanje vozova), kao i o ceni karata, rezervisanju mesta, povlasticama, izmenama u redu vožnje, turističkoj ponudi ("Romantika" i "BeoRomantika") i drugo.

Podaci o saobraćaju vozova koriste se iz baze podataka "Informacionog sistema za praćenje hoda vozova u realnom vremenu". Za ovaj informacioni sistem "Železnice Srbije" prošle godine dobile su prestižnu informatičku nagradu "Diskobolos".
U prvoj fazi "call centar" će moći da se koristi samo za teritoriju Beograda, a kasnije i za teritoriju čitave Srbije.

"Železnice Srbije" u budućnosti planiraju da prošire "call centar" u "kontakt centar", uključivanjem u sistem i SMS, e-mail i fax-a. Na taj način će se dobiti jedan komunikacioni sistem sa širokim spektrom mogućnosti.

Procenjena vrednost idejnog projekta, sa puštanjem u rad "call centra" je oko 800 hiljada dinara.

Do sada se informisanje klijenata "Železnica Srbije" odvijalo sa više lokacija, odakle su se mogli dobiti različiti podaci o redu vožnje, kašnjenjima, ceni karte. Nije bilo odgovarajuće baze podataka, tako da je brzo davanje informacija bilo znatno otežano.


.com - 790 dinara
.net - 790dinara
.org - 790 dinara
.info - 390 dinara
.eu - 1490 dinara
.mobi - 1790 dinara
.us - 790 dinara
.biz - 1099 dinara
.tv - 3900 dinara
.name - 990 dinara
.rs - 2490 dinara - 990 dinara


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Glavni serveri se nalaze u Nemačkoj na linku kapaciteta 65 Gbps. Posedujemo i backup servere u Americi i Srbiji.

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Serveri su povezani LAN konekcijom od 1Gbps i latenca prema serverima je mala, što omogućuje brži odziv i otvranje stranica na našim serverima. Dostupnost servera na mreži je 99%. Nedeljni backup hosting naloga na posebnom backup serveru.
Posedujemo odličnu tehničku podrsku koja je u svakom trenutku spremna da vam pomogne ili reši problem.
PRVI u Srbiji smo krenuli sa video strimingom!
PRVI u Srbiji posedujemo Gigabitne veze sa serverima!
PRVI u Srbiji vraćamo novac u roku od 30 dana ukolko niste zadovoljni našom uslugom!

Naši klijenti:
Fruvita doo, Ecoland doo, ETC doo, Schiller doo, Front doo, Jugosmed doo, Agroline doo, Metech doo, Winter doo, Inlingua doo, VIS doo, Jugotex doo, Oktabit computers doo, ID soft, Internik od, Prsten doo, Rasadnik Pavlović, Cedi ngo, Intraprofil doo, Notograf, Trezeor 96, ServicePack szr, Bts radio, Rakicltd doo, Impusl sr, Duintegral doo, Maki radio, Radio Flash, Lux radio,
Radiu boom 108, Radio zavičaj plus, Radio 103, RTV Kan, Radio Zvižd, KDS Bubamara, Slave computers doo, Seizmo alarm, Daxcell doo, Ateleski klub Čukarički, JP Vodovod Smederevo, Direkcija za Urabanizam Smederevo, Podunavski okrug, Fabrika Uča doo, Intermehanika doo, Rukometni klub Smederevo, Čair nekretnine, Etc hosteli, Jonimpex doo, Radio Maki, GSM files,
TA margo doo, Sporsko društvo Bujinkan, Sporsko društvo Njinđžcu, Imperijal doo, Beogradska knjiga doo, Radio Grand Obrez, Player International doo, Izotehna doo, Victora light, Rebac, Pokretni Atelje, Stolarija Bigbone doo, Radio Biser, Agro div doo, Auto trade doo, Mega Format doo, Agencija Life, Gama radio, Rado 106, Daragon, Club adagio, King moble, Daniharis festival, DN mobile, Termah doo, Zlatara Vujosević, Massila doo, Zadruga selevac, Milox DM doo, Izotehna doo, Agroelektronika , Profi Painter, Skynet-plus doo ,Alex Photo, Honda Srbija, Super Digital Media, Auto Ricambi doo, Rasadnik Stanojević, Stekos Inteko doo, Turistička agencija Eldorado, Uniteh ad, Kuki Radio, Elektro Morava Smederevo, In4M software, Honda Srbija, Perper doo, Zdrastveni centar Smederevo, Centar za socijalni rad, Dm computers doo, Fondacija Laza Lazarević, Dumako doo, Chip Srbija,
Prenoćište Mir i još mnogo drugih korisnika. 


Nudimo vam sisteme i opremu za za video nadzor: kamere, pokretne/upravljive kamere, snimači, video nadzor preko interneta itd. U našoj ponudi imamo:
- BOX KAMERE visoke rezolucije, SHARP / SONY

Dosadašnje iskustvo govori da su video nadzorni sistemi daleko superiorniji u odnosu na ostale sisteme tehničke zaštite.
Bilo da se radi o zaštiti manjih poslovnih objekata, trgovina, proizvodnih i skladišnih hala, kuća ili najvećih poslovnih zgrada, video nadzorni sistemi imaju vrlo široku primenu .Dogodi li se neki štetni slučaj moći će te lako videti šta je ili ko je uzrokovao da do njega dođe, a snimak će pomoći policiji u pronalazenju počinitelja.

Ako ste zamislili kako bi bilo praktično da možete s nekog drugog mesta gledati što rade vaši zaposleni ili šta se dešava oko vaše kuće, mi imamo rešenje za to, udaljeni pristup video nazora preko inteneta ili VPN mreze. To nam pruža mogućnost da jednostavno povežemo lokacije koje vi želite nadgledati i omogućimo vam jednostavan i lak pristup uz minimalne troškove prenosa slike.

Video nadzor je takođe lako primenjiv i praktičan ako je potrebno nadgledati neke proizvodne procese, kontrolisati rad i slično. Međutim da bi video nadzor bio kvalitetan potrebno je odabir opreme ili instalaciju poveriti profesionalcima.

Veliko iskustvo u instalaciji i projektovanju video nadzornih sistema, preko 40 aktivnih sistema.
Pogledajte našu referenc listu.
Za katlog sa cenama kontaktirajte prodaju!
Za dalju prodaju odobravamo dilerski popust!


Napredne kućne / poslovne centrale CONECT IP PBX koje mi proizvodimo su zasnovane na modernom digitalnom modularnom sistemu koji se širi shodno potrebama svakog klijenta.

Na početku se centrala dimenzioniše na osnovu planiranog broja i tipa priključenih telefona i telekomunikacionih linija. Svaka tako postavljena centrala nudi standardne telekomunikacione funkcije. Zatim se na takvu osnovu dodaju potrebni programski i hardverski moduli koji proširuju mogućnosti centrale funkcijama koje su potrebne klijentu.

Postoji i mogućnost dodatnog programiranja funkcija koje nisu u standardnoj ponudi, odnosno programiranja funkcija koje su specifična potreba određenog klijenta.

Standardne funkcije koje su uvek integrisane u centrali su:

  * Muzika na čekanju 
  * Transfer poziva
  * Konferencijska veza
  * Identifikacija poziva
  * Poziv na čekanju
  * Preusmerenje poziva
  * IVR jednostavni ili inteligentni govorni sistem
  * Snimanje ulazno/izlaznih linija

Telefoni koji mogu biti priključeni na centralu:

  * Obični (POTS) telefoni
  * Digitalni (ISDN) telefoni
  * IP telefoni, pravi i softverski

Linije na koje centrala može biti priključena:

  * Primarni ISDN (ISDN-PRI)
  * Bazni ISDN (ISDN-BRI)
  * VoIP kanal (DID broj, SIP provider, VoIP gateway)
  * GSM mobile gateway
  * Obične (POTS) tel.linije

Tip telefona i linija sa kojima će raditi naša centrala se određuje u trenutku naručivanja proizvoda. U većini slučajeva je i kasnije moguća neplanirana promena/proširenje, ali ukoliko je ta promena izvesna bolje je odmah je najaviti kako bi sistem sigurno bio dimenzionisan za kasnije proširenje.

Funkcije centrale :

  * IVR jednostavni ili inteligentni govorni sistem
  * Govorna pošta (sa daljinskim preslušavanjem i dostavom na e-mail)
  * Proširenje muzike na čekanju (različita muzika za razne lokale, internet radio, itd...)
  * FAX prijem (uz dostavu na e-mail ili štampač)
  * FAX slanje
  * VoIP gateway (povoljno pozivanje preko Interneta)
  * VoIP server (povezivanje udaljenih lokala na sistem)
  * VoIP DID brojevi (prijem poziva sa udaljenih javnih tel.brojeva)
  * VoIP interkonekcija (povezivanje više udaljenih centrala u lokalnu mrežu)
  * Detaljna statistika poziva (baza podataka sa pozivima)
  * Snimanje razgovora
  * GSM mobile gateway (mobilni gejtvej za jeftinije razgovore u mreži ili grupi)
  * E-mail izveštaji i obaveštenja
  * Kol centar (Call centre) sa redovima čekanja i prijavom/odjavom operatera (Automatic call distribution ACD, Virtual queuing, Computer telephony integration CTI, itd...)

Prednosti implemetacije IP telefonije u vašem preduzeću:

  * Preduzece zadržava standardni prikljucak
  * Veliki broj lokala i bolji kvalitet zvuka
  * Infrastruktura preko već postojeće računarske LAN mreže
  * Profesionalni call centar, govorna pošta, muzika na čekanju...
  * Izmedu udeljenih lokacija u vašem preduzeću je besplatno telefoniranje 
  * Smanjuju se troškovi telefoniranja prema GSM mreži 
  * Mećunarodni pozivi po ceni od 2 din./min. 


Live internet streaming vam omogućava direktan prenos audio i video signala do bilo kog mesta u svetu putem interneta. Bez obzira na mesto odakle vršite emitovanje i bez obzira gde se nalaze vaši slušaoci ili gledaoci, moćan, fleksibilan i pouzdan Live Streaming servis je uvek dosledan izazovima. Stotine TV i radio stanica se svakog trenutka oslanjaju na KONEKT Live Streaming servis. Naši striming serveri nalaze se na 3 lokacije u svetu (Srbija, Nemačka, Amerika) i podžavaju veliki broj korisnika. Pord usluge striminga radimo realizaciju i prenos događaja (konekt live event) koji uključuje kompletnu opremu emitavnje sa više kamera i režiju.
FRUVITA-HELLO nagradna igra, Flash 420kbps, 640x480 pix, konekt live event paket
INTEL SOFTWARE DAY SERBIA, Flash 420kbps, 640x480 pix, konekt live event paket

Jednostavno i lako

KONEKT će vam pomoći u svemu što je potrebno da bi ste počeli sa Live Internet Streaming-om, bilo da se radi o 24/7 radio stanici ili jednokratnom uživom prikazu. Mi imamo znanje i iskustvo da vaš Live Streaming sprovedemo u delo. 

Šta je potrebno za početak? 


Encoding hardware ili software (mi vam obezbeđujemo) 
Pouzdana internet konekcija 
KONEKT Live Streaming nalog 
Kako radi?

Encoding software treba instalirati na računaru koji će tada postati vaš live streaming encoder. Live signal se povezuje na računar preko audio/video kartice koja je instalirana u računar. Encoding softver konvertuje signal koji se dalje šalje na KONEKT striming platformu preko secure network konekcije. KONEKT emituje signal prema željenom broju slušaoca ili gledaoca.

Upotrebljivi formati:

Windows Media


do 50 slušalaca 
24kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) -12 eu
32kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) -15 eu
64kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) - 25 eu
96Kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) - 40 eu
128Kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) - 50 eu
do 150 slušalaca 
24kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) - 25 eu
32kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) - 35 eu
64kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) - 55eu
96Kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) - 65 eu
128Kbps (MP3PRO, ACC+) - 85 eu 

neograničeni broj gledalaca do 512kbps, link 10Mbps - 100 eu, jednokaratni setup 100 eu 
neograničeni broj gledalaca do 1024 kbps, burst link do 100Mbps - 150 eu, jednokaratni setup 100 eu 

Klijentima striming servisa za godišnji ugovor odobravamo popust od 10% i poklanjamo BIZNIS HOSTING PAKET ! Prodaja

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IP Office - Avaya

IP Office is a highly modular IP telephone system designed to meet the needs of home offices, standalone businesses, and networked branch and head offices for small and medium enterprises. The award-winning IP Office gives growing companies a complete solution for telephony, messaging, networking, conferencing, customer management, and unified communications.
IP Office is a versatile communications solution that combines the reliability and ease of a traditional telephony system with the applications and advantages of an IP telephony solution. This converged communications solution can help businesses reduce costs, increase productivity, and improve customer service.
At Avaya, our guiding principle is that customers should be supported in migrating to IP telephony at their own pace, following their own path. Our clients can use a mix of digital, analog, and IP technology and still take advantage of all the applications that convergence provides.
IP Office addresses basic telephony needs, leverages built-in convergence capabilities, and capitalizes on robust unified applications to deliver intelligent communications to your users and customers. This small business IP phone system simplifies processes, and streamlines the information exchange within systems to create simple and effective communication experiences.
The IP Office phone system supports a wide range of telephones, but the Avaya 5400 Series Digital phones and 5600 Series IP phones have been specifically designed to work with IP Office and provide small and medium enterprises with a choice of solutions to meet business efficiency and customer service requirements.

What's New With This Release
IP Office Release 4.2 software makes it easy for small and midsize businesses to improve communications and operations using Unified Communications.
Release 4.2 offers Avaya one-X™ Mobile Client for Small Business and Mobile Call Control, designed to give traveling employees the same robust communications capabilities available in the office.
The new Unified Messaging Service offers synchronization and efficient management of voicemail messages through web browser interface.
To accommodate the growing demand for more announcements for on-hold callers, customized by department and within organizations, IP Office 4.2 supports 4 Message-On-Hold sources.

Business Benefits
• Functions as a traditional phone system or an IP telephony server.
• Supports both single locations and multi-site networks.
• Includes both basic call center and voice messaging capabilities.
• Scales up as business needs grow.
• Protects current investments in communications.
link Complete description

• Unified Communications for Small Business
• Conferencing
• Messaging
• Networking
• Phone Manager

Features - Avaya Call Management System

Automatic Notification Thresholding
Avaya Call Management System allows thresholds to be set for automatic notification of exception conditions. Each manager sets thresholds for those measures that are critical to his or her area within the call center, whether this is calls in queue, Expected Wait Time, number of abandons, etc. 

Instantly notifies users of any measure outside acceptable levels. Allows each user to easily customize the alerts to fit their own management style. Users are able to set thresholds and do other work, and be automatically alerted when a specified measure is exceeded. Immediate notification allows supervisors to take quick action, such as reassigning agents to a particular split or skill. It's all done instantaneously using Windows point and click, drag and drop functionality.

Single Interface for Reporting and Administration
Reporting and administration of the customer's contact center through one interface.

The integrated reporting and administration interface is a competitive advantage. Its ease of use is unparalleled in the industry. A call center manager can identify a problem via real-time reporting, and immediately and easily drill down into administration to rectify the issue.

Report Management via standard reports
Call Management System (CMS) provides over 200 real-time and historical management reports and extensive historical data storage capabilities, keeping detailed intra-hour data for up to 62 days, daily reports for up to five years, and weekly and monthly data for up to ten years.

CMS gives the real-time view of the call center so managers can:

  * Quickly pinpoint problems across the entire operation, and resolve them in real-time.
  * Achieve critical customer service objectives.
  * Simultaneously boost productivity of call center employees and resources.

Avaya Report Designer
An Avaya CMS Supervisor Report Designer package gives the ability to create customized graphic reports.

Report Designer uses the Windows interface to lead management easily through all the steps needed to create a report. One can copy an existing report or start from scratch, combining real-time and historical data in a single report. Customers may elect to use the Report Wizard feature to create the majority of their custom reports - it provides a fast and easy shortcut to report creation by providing a step-by-step guide through report creation.

Avaya CMS High Availability
The High Availability (HA) system provides a fully redundant back-up Avaya Call Management System (CMS). Two independent, fully functional Avaya CMS servers are connected through dual data links to one or more Avaya Communication Manager servers.

High Availability helps prevent data loss caused by maintenance and upgrade activity.

Helps prevent data loss caused by failure of system components. CMS High Availability helps customers ensure the continuity of their business operations.

Avaya CMS Supervisor Report Functions
Avaya CMS Supervisor enables customers to use a PC to access all the reporting and administrative power of Avaya CMS with a familiar graphical user interface in a Microsoft Windows environment. CMS Supervisor runs on Windows 2000 or Windows XP.

Avaya CMS Supervisor supports a wide variety of reports, providing users with all the tools they need to monitor and manage contact center activity.

Instant Alerts

Avaya CMS Supervisor has a threshold alerting function that instantly notifies users of important developments in the contact center. Call Center managers set thresholds for those measures that are critical to the call center such as when the number of abandons has exceeded the acceptable level within a time period, when the average speed of answer has exceeded the specified limit, etc.

  * Instantly notifies users of any measure outside acceptable levels.
  * Users are able to set thresholds and do other work, and be automatically alerted, via visual and auditory signals, when a specified measure is exceeded.
  * Immediate notification allows supervisors to take quick action, such as reassigning agents to a particular split or skill.

Multilingual Support
Avaya CMS is currently offered in U.S. English. Avaya CMS Supervisor provides the following language support through the Avaya CMS Supervisor user interface:

  * U.S. English
  * Colombian Spanish
  * German
  * Italian
  * Brazilian Portuguese
  * European French
  * Japanese
  * Simplified Chinese
  * Support for Traditional Chinese characters in names (not translated)
  * Support for Korean characters in names (not translated)
  * Dutch
  * Russian

Providing on-line help and documentation in several languages:

  * Increases the interaction options and services available to global, international, or multilingual customers.
  * Supports Avaya Call Centers, Avaya Best Service Routing (BSR), and Avaya Network Routing.

Save as HTML
The Save as Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) function allows users to export a snapshot of a report running in Avaya CMS Supervisor and save it as an HTML file.

Any report generated in Avaya CMS Supervisor can be converted to an HTML file. This file can then be stored on a Web server for viewing on the Internet or an Intranet.

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Name and surname:  *
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Number of Persons:  *
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Subject:  *
Wishes and comments:
 *Must be filled with fields.  


Promotivna akcija kako dobiti besplatni website turistickog objekta traje do kraja 2012. god i ukljucuje oglasavanje u dva CRS-a ( i, sa besplatnim koriscenjem usluga oglasavanja max 1 vesti mesecno u trajanju od 7 dana ... saznaj vise

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