
Interactive voice response (IVR)

Handling routine phone requests for information can consume a substantial amount of staff time & money. Handling a customer call with a live operator reportedly, costs six to eight dollars per call. An interactive voice response (IVR) system offers an automated and less costly way to provide the same information more cost-effectively. An IVR system lets callers interact with your company via the telephone. A business will typically implement a system to handle customer inquiries. An interactive voice response system can also be very effective for companies with on-the-road employees who need to call into the office to receive their next assignment or to report their activities.

IVR systems, which reportedly lower customer handling costs to about 20 to 30 cents per call, can be implemented in a variety of ways. With a basic system, you simply record a message that is played when a person hits the appropriate number on the telephone keypad.

TCMS Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an application generator with its own debugger that allows you full connectivity to the most popular databases including Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Fox Pro, dBase, Btrieve, Paradox, or standard text files. IVR can be used to read information from databases, write information to databases, as well as query databases and return information. IVR performs on different customizable commands. You can setup properties for each command just as if you were executing the commands manually.

TCMS interactive voice response (IVR) applications are not stand alone applications. These applications are executed inside a mailbox on your system. IVR supports T1, E1, ISDN, DID, and analog interfaces. Callers can dial into an application directly or dial into the system and select an application to use. IVR runs on Dialogic (digital and analog) boards.

TCMS Interactive Voice Response (IVR) will execute any application you create when a caller dials. By using DTMF, you can allow callers to interact with the system. Advanced database technology allows you to read, write, append, search, and seek database information, you can record your product inventory, setup games, keep track of your customers or patients, or virtually any other application you can think of. The advanced, innovative technology, backed by a simple, easy to use, drag and drop interface makes writing applications easy. TCMS IVR Generates Revenue! While you may be averse to implementing an IVR system because it can seem impersonal, having one allows you to provide 24-hour access. In today's world, as long as customers can still "press 0" for help, it is worth it. This tradeoff is one that customers welcome.

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