
Web Services

In today's web based economy, customers want immediate contact and satisfaction. Call Centers centers makes that possible by giving them choices - traditional telephone, web chat, web callback request, immediate email response or Virtual Office Assistant Service.

We at Call Centers provide the customized web enabled / based marketing services. Our customised web based Marketing Services will help you to generate revenue, increase customer satisfaction, and create a closed-loop information system by using our integrated services and technology. Leveraging customer information obtained from our customer care and technical support services enables our clients to offer products and services tailored to each client's unique needs.

Call Centers centers can implement customized web applications for you or tie directly into your existing applications.

Email Marketing is a unique medium that allows our client to engage their customers and prospects with regular communication, that is personalized, relevant and anticipated. Email marketing can help change prospects into long-term, profitable customers.

Web Pop automatically provides Call Centers centers' agents with a pop-up screen of your website, intranet or web script so it's right there whenever a customer calls.

Web Chat assist visitors engage in a live, two-way text chat directly from your site to a trained agent. Web Callback helps your website visitors request a callback from a Call Centers centers' agent by simply clicking and entering their name, telephone information, and best time to call.


"The factors that matter most to our company are the accuracy of the information gathered and the strong intent of the client to pursue financing. leads have exceeded our expectations on both accounts. We are happy to be referenced. "
Jason Weiner
ClearView Mortgage, Inc.

"Contact Ratio, Apps and Closing% are all very satisfactory. Overall a very good ROI"
Michael Ferree
Lead Analytic Manager
LEI Financial
Web Push allows our agent assist your web visitor in finding additional information through guided "browsing."

E-mail Response redirects your customers' e-mails to Call Centers centers' agents so we can respond precisely as you have directed, using formatted replies written by you or forwarding to specific persons or departments.

Email Management We provide customize service in Handling of incoming and outgoing email for business or other organizational needs To find out more about what Call Centers can do for your business, Contact Us and we'll work out the details!

To find out more about what Call Centers can do for your business, contact us and we'll work out the details!

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